
Automated SMS/email subscriptions riders can personalize
for the routes, stops, days and times they ride.

Robust Features
Tailored to Transit

Transit riders and agencies deserve SMS and email subscriptions
100% focused on transit. SimplifyTransit Subscriptions offers the robust features transit agencies need at prices they can afford.

Personalized & Targeted

Riders can easily select the routes, stops, days and times they care about, so all messages are relevant.

Save on SMS

Minimize SMS costs - which can add up - with more precise targeting, automatic list cleaning, and government-friendly pricing


Subscribers can choose from your Title VI languages and get alerts automatically and accurately transit. We tailor translations for transit.

Save Staff Time

Fully automated with a (GTFS-realtime) Service Alerts feed to save staff time and reach riders faster.

Animation showing SimplifyTransit Subscriptions automating SMS/email messages based on customer personalization and transit data.

Campaign Designer

Subscriptions includes an easy drag-and-drop Campaign Designer and Topics for strategic communications like newsletters, project updates and marketing.

Schedule Campaigns

Send a Campaign immediately, or schedule it in advance. Our roadmap also includes marketing automation features.

Omnichannel Campaigns

Push your Campaign out via SMS and social media with a web link that can track audience engagement.

Request a Demo
Screenshot of SimplifyTransit Subscriptions Campaign Designer